Upcoming Events
Maker Jams (Recurring)
Date & Time: Saturdays, 1-3PM
Location: Lab64 - Room 134
Weekly maker get-togethers where you get to work on personal/group projects with fellow lab64 members!
We’ll meet every Saturday!
You bring yourself, friends, and a project to work on. We provide workspace, resources, specifically curated playlists, and, of course, ✨good vibes✨.
Past Events
Halloween PCB Design
Date & Time: Thursday, October 17th, 5:00PM-7:00PM
Location: Lab64
Our first major event of the year! We'll teach you how to design your own PCB with custom shapes and colors. Come to get to know your makerspace community and have some fun with us!
No experience or attendance of prior workshop required.
Sign Up:
Trichrome Stipple Light
Date & Time: Friday, Feb 9th @ 5:30pm
Follow Up: Saturday, Feb 10th @ 1pm & Monday, Feb 12th @ 5:30pm
Location: Lab64 - Room 134 Packard
Turn any image into a artistic display of illuminated dots, combining trichrome photography and stipple art. This makes a great gift, just in time for Valentine's Day!
Experience with laser cutting, Inkscape, 3D printing, soldering, and micro-controller programming will be very helpful here. You'll have no issues if have some experience using our equipment. If your new to Lab64, this may not be the best workshop to start out with, but everyone is welcome to try!
Sign Up Here!:
(Got plans that weekend?? Don't worry - you can jump in anytime during Friday's date or any other follow up date. Office hours works too!)
Important Pre-Processing Steps:
Get your stipple art ready for laser cutting ahead of time! The pre-processing steps take about 1 hour to run through. You'll need:
StippleGen2 (from Evil Mad Scientist, LLC)
Build Links
If you haven't used Arduino before, download the IDE and Metro Mini support package!
Important! If using Windows, download the USB to Serial Drivers
Date & Time: Thursday, December 7th @ 5:30pm
Location: Lab64 - Room 134 Packard
Build a solar powered holiday night light with custom acrylic ornament inside! We'll provide festive drinks an materials. This workshop involves laser cutting and soldering.
Sign Up:
PCB Assembly WOrkshop
Date & Time: Friday, October 27th @ 5pm
Location: Lab64 - Room 134 Packard
Part 2 of the Halloween PCB Workshop is this Friday! Join us again to assemble the PCB you designed. (You can still solder a kit with us if you a didn't design one earlier.)
Sign Up:
Maker Faire Field Trip
Date & Time: Saturday, October 21st, 9:45AM-4PM
Lab64 is sponsoring a trip to Maker Faire this weekend! Join us Saturday from 9:45 to 4pm! Maker Faire is a legendary festival organized by Make Magazine that celebrates creativity in all its forms. If you've never been to one, it's definitely worth the trip! Your transportation and tickets will be covered.
Note: No MakerJam this weekend - we'll be on the trip!
Sign up here:
Lab64 x Radio Club - Antenna workshop & Scavenger Hunt
Date: Thursday, November 10th & Saturday, November 12th
Location: Room 004
Come join us in learning how to build your own FM antenna on Thursday, November 10th, and then join us on Saturday, November 12th and embark on a scavenger hunt to find an FM transmitter located somewhere on campus! Winners will receive a prize!
No experience or attendance of prior workshops required!